Terry Sacka: The Wealth Transfer “Stock Market and the World System” 2-28-2013

Terry Sacka on The Wealth Transfer show on the Christian Television Network discussing the deception of the world’s market system and how the circumvention of truth could impact your savings and retirement.

Proverbs 22:7 “The rich willeth over the poor” and “The borrower is servant to the lender”. Where are you on that scale?

There’s a great wealth transfer taking place right now. Are you on the

Why You Shouldn’t Be Selling Gold


Guenter Schiffmann/Bloomberg

In a vivid example of just how nervous investors have gotten over gold, one of the biggest ETFs to track the precious metal — SPDR Gold Shares GLD +0.01% – saw $5.4 billion hit the exit door year-to-date, according to ETF Trends. More about record low flows in February for gold ETPs.

And it’s not just then, Bloomberg News noted Thursday that John Paulson saw an 18% decline in his $900 million Gold Fund last month, and a 26% knock so far this year.

However, one strategist took to the airwaves on Thursday to caution that investors may be playing with